eVisas Replacing BRPs
The Home Office is phasing out Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) in favour of digital eVisas.
The BRP was introduced in 2008, to prove an individual’s immigration status and Right to Work in the UK. BRP’s issued recently have an expiry date of 31 December 2024, even where the worker’s permission to stay in the UK is for a longer period.
The intention is that all BRPs will be replaced with eVisas by January 2025.
To effect this change, the Home Office has begun to email workers who hold BRP’s, prompting them to create a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account. For those who do not receive an email from the Home Office, it is expected that an option to create a UKVI account will become available in Summer 2024.
Once they have a UKVI account, the worker will be able to access their eVisa and prove their Right to Work status digitally.
As part of our workforce comprises BRP holders, we will be contacting affected workers to encourage them to action any emails from the Home Office as soon as possible. We will repeat their Right to Work checks once they have obtained their eVisa via a share code, which can be used online to verify their status.
We will closely monitor progress of our worker’s responsibilities along with any further immigration law changes throughout 2024 to keep our Clients updated.